Mini Musing – A Change In Perspective
Recently my daughter, Laney, and I were discussing what she had achieved in a maze book she was working on. In the definite fashion of a 4-year-old, she informed me that she had completed 3 mazes but when she came to a wall in her way she had just gone over it onto the next-door path. It was evident that to her this was absolutely the most logical and obvious way around the issue she had come across. Later that day she was at the park and a couple of bigger boys were mucking around on the slide she wanted to go down. Rather than avoiding the slide or getting upset she…
Mini Musing – Delighted
If you are a feijoa lover then autumn in New Zealand is a great season, especially if you know someone with a tree! These types of trees can be so abundant with fruit that when you say yes to “some” feijoa’s the giver will often supply you with a massive bag of them! As they hand it over, with a smile on their face, it is as if they are passing on the mission – you too now have to find as many ways as possible to use up the fruit before they go bad. The other day as I was sorting through another bag of gifted feijoa’s I felt a…