Mini Musing – Spiral Up
Do you ever feel frustrated when issues you thought you had dealt with seem to rear their ugly heads again?
Doesn’t it feel demoralising when you find yourself responding to a situation the way you used to, even though you have worked so hard in that area?
As I was struggling with my thoughts on this recently, I was reminded that when we come to Christ we come as we are, in all our messy brokenness. But He doesn’t want us to stay that way – do I hear a “Thank you Jesus!”
However, He also knows we can’t deal with everything all at once. One step at a time, one issue at a time, He takes us on the journey. But sometimes we have to return to a challenging part of our personality or history to deal with it again. However, this time with the fresh insights and learnings we have discovered along the way.
So while it may feel like we are going around and around in circles, repeating our old mistakes and dealing with our past hurts, if we step back and take a wider look we will see it more like a spiral staircase. We aren’t back where we started. We are further up the staircase, with more wisdom, more healing, and a greater understanding of God than we had before. And this time we are more equipped to make another significant dent in our healing.
It’s uncomfortable and it can be painful, but let’s not let that hold us back from climbing higher up the staircase and becoming a little more like Jesus.