Mini Musing – A Change In Perspective
Recently my daughter, Laney, and I were discussing what she had achieved in a maze book she was working on. In the definite fashion of a 4-year-old, she informed me that she had completed 3 mazes but when she came to a wall in her way she had just gone over it onto the next-door path. It was evident that to her this was absolutely the most logical and obvious way around the issue she had come across.
Later that day she was at the park and a couple of bigger boys were mucking around on the slide she wanted to go down. Rather than avoiding the slide or getting upset she just cruised on down anyway and moved around the roadblocks in her way.
Her out-of-the-box approach gave me a good chuckle but it also got me thinking.
A Stuck Perspective
As adults, we are so conditioned to hit a wall or roadblock in life and to feel frustrated and defeated, or to turn back and rehash the details of where we have been before. In many situations, this can be the logical and only option. But I wonder if we are missing out on opportunities, or if we are feeling stuck because this has become our default?
Could it also be that some of the challenges in our marriage, which feel like a bit of a maze we can’t get out of, or a big obstacle in our road, could significantly improve with a different approach or a workaround? Perhaps we might find a way out if we choose to look at it from a different perspective. Perhaps making the sometimes difficult choice to decide to look at the situation with a positive perspective could make a world of difference – see blog post The Positivity Posture for more details.