All the Small Things
All the Small Things – Little things that help move your marriage from good to great. As you fight the urge to sing Blink 182’s “All The Small Things” chorus with me, let’s take a look at how all those small things that we do or say in our marriages can impact our relationship. Small Things = Big Impact The small things in our marriage make a big difference. Just like a bit of salt or a pinch of spice add flavour, taking a meal from bland to exciting, the small things we do have the potential to add interest, build connection and take our marriages from boring or average to…
Let’s Get Physical
Back when we were dating, non-sexual physical touch was a significant and essential part of our relationship. As the years go on and we have more distractions, it can be common for non-sexual touch to go by the wayside. But physical touch, which doesn’t lead to sex, is actually an important part of a great marriage.
How Often Should Married Couples Have Sex?
How Often Should Married Couples Have Sex? A question asked by pretty much every engaged and married couple. However, it is likely that the expectations of either partner on the frequency they will be having sex are quite different. Before they get married many couples have visions of making passionate love to each other every night. They may also expect that every night is going to be exceptional! But if you skip forward a few years into a marriage, and maybe add a child or two, the desire for sex has often greatly diminished, especially for a spouse with a lower desire. I remember a couple of months into my marriage…
What Is He Thinking?! – Sex
What Is He Thinking?!? - I feel like he just wants sex all the time! God designed men and women differently. We were made with different body parts, different needs, different strengths and weaknesses and, different ways of thinking about things. For some reason, God also thought it was a good idea to make men think very differently than women about sex.
Fan That Flame
Fan That Flame - 3 Ideas for Keeping the Flame of Intimacy Burning. I am sure that when you first started dating your spouse, spending time together was something you both couldn’t wait to do. You longed to be with them, you thought about them all the time, you often sent them cute messages, and when you finally saw them again you felt excitement and butterflies. We know that this initial intensity of feeling can’t last, life gets busy and we can get bogged down by the stresses and pressures that come our way. With more than 50% of marriages failing and many others living in unhappy, unfulfilling relationships,…
Let’s talk about sex
Let’s talk about sex baby! 4 tips for discussing sex with your spouse Sex, an intimate and beautiful act designed by God, but often presented in today's culture in crass and graphic ways. It is regularly shied away from in the church arena and can even be talked about as dirty or bad. Given the many mixed messages we receive about sex, it is no wonder that most couples struggle to talk about it. Sex is an awkward topic. There is so much emotion attached to it and it’s something most of us have had very little healthy education about. It is likely your parents struggled to have the “Birds…
Back To School
Back To School - Some Early Marriage Lessons A Bit About Me My husband and I both grew up in Christian homes. Through our own journeys, we have found a personal and living relationship with Jesus. Because of this, we are strongly committed to following through with the words we spoke on our wedding day - “until death do us part.” I was brought up in a loving environment with amazing role models as parents. While they have gone through their share of struggles and pain, they have been committed to working on their marriage, and growing in love with each other. In my late teenage years (and on a…